Driving Nepal’s Hydropower Innovation

Urja Abhiyan Hydropower Company is committed to revolutionizing Nepal’s energy sector through innovation. By integrating cutting-edge technology, sustainable practices, and modern engineering, we develop efficient and eco-friendly hydropower solutions that drive the nation toward a greener future.

Our Collaborated Partner

We believe in the power of collaboration to drive impactful change. Our partnered organizations share our commitment to innovation, sustainability, and progress.

We Take Action. To Make Better Changes

We don’t just talk about change – we make it happen. By taking decisive steps in developing sustainable hydropower projects, we actively contribute to Nepal's clean energy future, ensuring that every action we take leads to positive, long-lasting improvements for the environment and local communities.

Project Done
0 +
Megawatts of Clean Energy Generated
MW 0 +
Jobs Created
0 +
Communities Empowered
0 +

Project Areas

Urja Abhiyan Hydropower Company develops projects across Nepal’s diverse regions, including the Himalayan, Mid-Hills, and Terai areas. Each region’s unique terrain and water resources enable us to harness the full potential of hydropower, ensuring sustainable energy solutions for the country’s future.

Get in Touch with Us

Whether it's inquiries about our projects or partnership opportunities, our team is ready to assist you.

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हालका पोस्ट कार्यक्रमहरू

हाम्रा पछिल्ला गतिविधिहरू, उद्योगसम्बन्धी अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय, र प्रमुख कार्यक्रमहरूबारे जानकारी पाइरहनुहोस्। परियोजना उपलब्धिहरूदेखि समुदाय पहलसम्म, उर्जा अभियान जलविद्युत् नेपाललाई दिगो ऊर्जा भविष्यतर्फ डो-याउँदैछ।

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