Lohore Khola

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Lohore Khola hydropower project

Project NameLohore Khola Hydropower Project
VDCsToli-5, Naumule-6 and Baluwatar -3 VDC
Geographical CoordinatesLatitude: 28° 53′ 43”N and 28° 54′ 47”N
Longitude: 81° 47′ 16”E and 81° 49′ 08”E
Type of SchemeRun off River
Source riverLohore Khola, Padam Khola
Installed Capacity5 MW
Gross Head115.70 m
Rated Design Head111.42 m
Catchment Area153.84 km²
River TypeRain Feed, Perennial
100 years Design Flood (HW)345.713 m³/s
Design Discharge (HW)5.43 m³/s
Compensation flow0.15 m³/s
1. Weir
Diversion StructureBoulder weir
Length of Weir23.0 m
Weir crest ElevationEL 1047.2 amsl
2. Under-sluice
No. of Gates1 nos
Undersluice2.5m x 2.5m
Sill Level1042.90 amsl
3. Intake
Intake TypeGated side orifice intake with coarse trash rack
No. of Gates2 nos
Size of Opening (B x H)3.0 m x 2.2 m
Sill Level1044.31 amsl
4. Gravel Trap
TypeGravity flushing type
Particle Size to be settled5 mm
Overall length20.0 m
Width6.60 m
Overall depth3.20 m
Particle size to be trapped>2 mm
Design flow7.04 m³/s
Flushing flow0.64 m³/s
5. Approach Canal
TypeRCC Rectangular
Size2.5 m x 2.5 m (B x H)
6. Desander
TypeSingle bay
Particle Size to be settled0.25 mm with 90% settling efficiency
Settling zone length48.0 m
Inlet transition length25.0 m
7. Padam Diversion Scheme
From Padam Tailrace syphonSyphon size 1 m x 1 m
Transfer Pipe1.4 m diameter MS Pipe, 120 m long
8. Headrace Pipe
Total Length3750 m
TypeMS-Pipe (Buried and exposed section)
Diameter of Pipe1.80 m, 1.75 m, 1.73 m with thickness 7 mm
9. Surge Tank
TypeRCC and Steel tank
Size5.8 m diameter, 25.2 m height
Max Upsurge Level1055.50 amsl
Static Level1049.20 amsl
Normal Operating Level1045.43 amsl
Minimum Downsurge level1042.50 amsl
10. Penstock Pipe
Total Length178 m
No. of anchor blocks6
No. of support piers35
TypeMS-Pipe (Buried and exposed section)
Diameter of Pipe1.6 m, 1.15 m dia with varied thickness 8 mm to 12 mm
11. Powerhouse
TypeSurface/Buried, mild steel circular shaped
Dimension (L x B x H)27.32 m x 15.20 m x 10 m
PH Floor Level936 m amsl
Turbine centerline Level934.9 m amsl
12. Tailrace
Type1.5 m wide, 1.7 m high and 33.22 m long including TR-1 and TR-2
Tailrace (L x B x H)33.32 m x 1.5 m x 1.7 m
Tailrace invert Level931.061 m amsl
Normal Tail water level934.20 m amsl
Maximum Tail water level935.00 m amsl
Minimum Tail water level933.50 m amsl
13. Turbine
Type2 Nos. Horizontal Francis
Rated Discharge for each Turbine2.71 m³/s
Rated Speed750 RPM
Turbine axis level934.90 m amsl
Rated Output for each Unit2500 kW +10% COL per unit
Rated Efficiency90%
14. Generators
TypeSynchronous brushless, 3Ø AC
Synchronous speed750 rpm
Rated Output3125 kVA each
Rated Frequency50 Hz
15. Power Transformer
TypeStep up power transformer
Rating6250 kVA, 6.6/33kV, 50 Hz
Cooling typeONAN (Oil Natural Air Blast)
16. Transmission & Interconnection
Transmission Line33 kV single circuit, 11 km to Dailekh Substation
Conductor Size100 mm (“DOG”)
Connection with gridNEA Substation-Dailekh
17. Power and Energy
Installed Capacity5 MW
Wet Saleable Energy22.54 GWh
Dry Saleable Energy4.91 GWh
Annual Energy27.45 GWh
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